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Busy Active Minds - Our Future Leaders


Leaving your baby with somebody new for the very first time can be a daunting and emotional experience.

Please do not worry...easy to say but we can, with confidence, dispel any fears you may have and indeed provide that cosy home from home feeling you desire. 

Within our dedicated baby room we have created the most warm, secure, cosy and nurturing environment possible for our little ones aged 0 - 2 years.

Just as important in your childs new journey are the people you are trusting them with. 

Our loving, experienced baby room professionals have many years experience caring for your children, indeed some are mums themselves, and understand the way you are feeling as you look to provide the best care for your child.

Friendly and caring you can be confident you have left your loved ones in the best hands possible.


Offering a curriculum based education in a nurturing  setting.

Chapel Lane like to offer the ‘best of both worlds’ with regards to a Pre-School education. Not only do we ensure the implementation of the Early Years Foundations Stage - a statutory framework that underpins a child’s learning and development and ensures they make excellent progress - but we plan both our indoor and outdoor environment around the children's interests. This means one week we may have a police station set up, and the next it could be a hairdressers. Whatever the children's interest, we will plan their learning around what captivates them.

Whilst readying our children’s minds, self-esteem and confidence for school life, we also provide the invaluable    opportunity of first hand experiences, imaginary play and outdoor adventures such as bug hunting, splashing in puddles and muddy kitchen—hands on, sensual experiences that are so much fun!

Chapel Lane offers excellent resources, facilities and activities designed specifically to inspire the children to initiate their own learning and encourage independence in readiness for school life.

Our Pre-School children also enjoy:

  • Timetabled activities—introducing children to the structured routine that they will experience in Primary School

  • One to one meetings with their Primary School teacher— by forging strong links with our local feeder schools, we are able to build up relationships between our Pre-School children and their new teachers prior to them starting their Primary School.

What We Offer: Welcome
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